Cheston Lee

Welcome to my Internet Website

Removing your old Phabricator diffs

I accumulate quite a lot of Phabricator diffs over the course of a month and always end up forgetting to delete them. Use this handy command to clean them up.

YADR, MacVim & Solarized Light

Recently I’d decided to completely blow away my dotfiles and switch to one of the many prepackaged dotfiles repos out there. I decided to move on from my nearly decades old set of config files because they’d grown crufty and full of lines that I no longer remembered what purpose they originally served. As a vim user this is a pretty big deal. I’d been using the same shortcuts, again for nearly a decade and have grown a significant amount of muslc memory around them; so this was not made lightly. After reviewing several options and polling the crowd; I’ve settled on YADR a collection of dotfiles that I find generally agreable. I am still figuring out all of the plugins and shortcuts, but in general it is pretty good.

Just one thing. I use MacVim and prefer the Solarized Light theme for syntax highlighting. After installing YADR and making some small changes I fired up MacVim to find this.


Not Cool. So I tinkered and tried varying settings. After a while I grew frustrated and decided to take to GitHub and file an issue.

TLDR; Do this.

In your .vimrc.before add

let g:yadr_disable_solarized_enhancements = 1

And in your .vimrc.after add this:

if !has("gui_running")
  let g:solarized_termtrans=1
  set background=light
  colorscheme solarized

There you go! Enjoy the beautiful, easy on the eyes feel of Solarized Light with the freedom of MacVim.

All New Everything


After a couple of months of searching, travelling and interviewing I finally found my new spot to squeeze my mind grapes and crank out code. About four months ago I started working as a UI Engineer at Optimizely. I had a few reasons behind this decision. I had other options, but Optimizely had a few things going for it.

First, the position was under the Design team. This is a first for me as I have always been under the umbrella of Engineering. I thought that this might give me the opportunity to learn a bit more about product design and be a bit more visually creative. This also allows me to focus largely on the front end; which I’d been doing for a few years now, but it was always more full stack.

Second, I was taken by Optimizely’s Design Director Tommy Giglio. He gave me one hell of a pitch that made me see beyond A/B testing. Marketing & Sales technologies have come a long way in the past few years and it is a crowded space with many specializations. Optimizely’s opportunity here is quite large. They have a great brand for testing, but they are positioned to be able to do much more and I see a lot of value in the possibilities there.

After four months I have seen more change and more hard work than anywhere else in my career. I feel more energized being around smart people who are willing to take chances and make big bets. I look forward to what else is to come.

iTerm2 & vim with Solarized color scheme

So I ran into some weird issues with background color bleed when using iTerm2 & vim on OSX. So I thought I’d write my solution up since I found a lot of incorrect information out there.

Step 1: Open iTerm2’s preferences:

  • Preferences -> Terminal -> ‘Report Terminal Type’ = xterm-256color

Step 2: Open up your .vimrc and add these lines.

set background=dark
" solarized options 
let g:solarized_termcolors = 256
let g:solarized_visibility = "high"
let g:solarized_contrast = "high"
colorscheme solarized

It’s just that easy!

Easy creation script for Jekyll Posts

Since I have started using Jekyll for blog like sites I was initially frustrated in all of the boilerplate that had to be written in simple post creation. So I wrote a little script to help generate the basic Jekyll boilerplate front-matter.

I feel like this sort of thing really belongs in Jekyll itself since it is all boilerplate for posts, but until then this works. Enjoy.